Release Notes 24.05.01

These release notes contain a high-level overview of updates and new functionality introduced to the HHAeXchange Enterprise software. As HHAeXchange is permission-based, not all functionality is available for every role within an Agency. Further inquiry concerning the contents of this document should be directed to HHAeXchange Client Support.

Release Notes Summary

To view a history of Release Notes, refer to the Release Notes Summary providing an overview of archived releases.



In This Release...

New Knowledge Base Platform

Mobile App Added Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin

IVR Added Languages: Ukrainian and Urdu

Expenses Added to Blended Overtime

Services Portal Management Enhancements



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New Knowledge Base Platform

Effective May 30, the new HHAeXchange Knowledge Base will replace the legacy Support Center site. The new knowledge base was developed to help you quickly and easily answer your questions about the system. The knowledge base includes:


  • Top 100 FAQs

  • More video content

  • Trending Topics

  • Easy to use layout


Users can access the site as usual, using the Support Center link when logged in to the system or they can directly access the knowledge base without the need to log into the system.

Click HHAeXchange Knowledge Base ( to explore the new knowledge base.


Hovering over each square highlights a description for the section. Click on the section to go to the corresponding page to further explore the applicable subjects for the category.


HHAeXchange Knowledge Base Homepage


For example, the Getting Started page includes Trending Topics, FAQs, and videos to help new users get acclimated with the HHAeXchange Portal.


Knowledge Base Getting Started Page


We encourage all users to bookmark the HHAeXchange Knowledge Base ( on their browser for quick access to support content and resources.



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Mobile App Added Languages: Cantonese and Mandarin

Cantonese and Mandarin languages have been added to the Mobile App.



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IVR Added Languages: Ukrainian and Urdu

Ukrainian and Urdu languages have been added to the IVR system.



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Expenses Added to Blended Overtime

Expenses can now be included in the Blended Overtime calculation feature in the Payroll module. Blended Overtime is activated by HHAeXchange System Administration.


Once activated, Providers can apply an expense to Blended Overtime in the Expense Type Reference Table (Admin > Reference Table Management), as shown below.


Reference Table Management - Expense Type



To apply, click the Expense Type Name (hyperlink) to open the Expense Type window. Complete the required fields, select the Include in Overtime checkbox (as shown below), and Save.


Expense Type Window - Include in Overtime



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Services Portal Managment Enhancements

The following enhancements and features have been added to the Services Portal Management.


Services Portal Management Menu Change

The Services Portal User Management label has been renamed to Services Portal Management under the Admin module, with two subpages:

  • The User Management page is used to search, add, or edit Services Portal user accounts. No change to the functionality.

  • The Announcements page has been added and is used to create and manage announcements to Services Portal users.


Announcements Page

An Announcements page has been added to the Service Portal Management feature (Admin > Services Portal Management > Announcements) used by Providers to create and manage announcements sent to Service Portal users from the system.


Use the Announcements page to search for specific messages according to status (All, Active, Scheduled, or Inactive) or by entering search criteria such as a date range and Recipient. Search results display on the bottom half of the page with details.


Services Portal Management - Announcements Page



To create an announcement, click the Add Announcement button to open the Add Announcement window. Complete required fields by either selecting or entering the necessary information to create the announcement and click Save.


Services Portal Management - Add Announcement


Providers can schedule an announcement to be visible (Active) on the Services Portal for a selected date and time range.


Click the ellipsis () under the Actions column to select an available action for the announcement. Available actions depend on the announcement Status (Active, Inactive, and Scheduled). For example, on a Scheduled announcement, select Edit, Set as Inactive, or View History (for the announcement), as shown in the image below.


Scheduled Status - Action Options



Impersonate Feature

An Impersonate feature is now available for Providers to "impersonate" Services Portal users. The Impersonate feature allows Providers to access the Services Portal as the selected user to better understand the system, workflows, and provide effective assistance. In the Services Portal, impersonation provides Admins read-only access.


To impersonate a user, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Services Portal Management > User Management page and search for the applicable user.

  2. Locate the user in the search results and click the ellipsis (…) under the Actions column.

  3. Select Impersonate from the options to access their user details and assume their role in the system. This connection automatically routes to the Services Portal.


Once in the Services Portal as the user, the information opens to the Shifts page. From here, Providers can search and see shift details (such as Date, Member, Scheduled Time, Confirmed Time, Duration, Service Code, Authorization Status, Next Action, and Actions).


Access is read-only. No information can be edited or deleted using the Impersonate feature.


Arabic Added to Services Portal Supported Languages

Arabic has been added to the Services Portal to support newly added markets.



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